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固体燃料烤炉标准发布新版本:EN 1860-1 : 2013+ A1:2017


New standard No. and Edition
Obsolete standard No. and Edition
Standard Name
Effect to exite certificate
EN 1860-1 : 2013+ A1:2017 EN 1860-1 : 2013 Appliances, solid fuels and  firelighters for barbecueing -
Part 1: Barbecues burning solid fuels - Requirements and test methods
barbecues which burn solid fuels, except single use
2017/12/31 2017/12/31 Existing Certification should be updated before 31/12/2017
固体燃料烤炉 适用于除了一次性使用的固体燃料烤炉。 2017/12/31 2017/12/31 现有报告需在2017年12月31日前更新

2. Include but not limit below Update information 包含但不限于一下的更新内容说明(Main/主要)

2 add reference “EN 71-1:2014, Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties"
2 增加了参考标准 EN71-1:2014
4.1 Revise "EN 71-1:2009" to "EN71-1:2014"
4.1 更新标准 “EN 71-1:2009”到“EN71-1:2014”
- Add addtiaonal note "However, for the bars of the cooking grids, EN 71-1 test is not applicable, so general requirements as described above shall be applied."
- 增加补充说明 烤网支架适用4.1的常规要求,但不适用于EN71-1测试要求
6 add additional marking requriement "d) Graphical pictograms (choose one of the following options: Figure 13 a), b) or c), These graphical pictograms shall still be legible and shall not have come off after testing in accordance with 5.2. The size of each square of the pictogram shall be at least 20 mm × 20 mm and the diameter of the circle one shall be also at least 20 mm and in colour as above.
- 增加额外的产品标贴要求, 产品需要额外增加图型13中a, b, c图标中任意一种,且该图标在经过5.2燃烧测试之后依然清晰可见且不会脱落。每个方形图标尺寸最少20x20mm, 圆形图标直径最少20mm, 颜色也需要和下面的图示一致
Figure 13 a), b) or c)
7 added the addtional requirement to instruciton about the figure "both for open and closed barbecues and also for permanent barbecues (choose one of the following options: Figure 14 a), b) or c),"Do not use the barbecue in a confined and/or habitable space e.g. houses, tents, caravans, motor homes, boats. Danger of carbon monoxide poisoning fatality." The pictogram could be in black and white in the instructions manual."
增加对说明书图标的额外要求,所有烤炉都需要增加图型14中a, b, c图标中任意一种, 这些图标在说明书中可以使用黑白颜色,增加烤炉不能使用在狭窄空间的警告语。
Figure 14 a), b) or c)
8 add additional packaging requriement "The packaging shall be marked with the following pictograms (choose one of the following options:
Figure 15 a), b) or c). The size of each square of the pictogram shall be at least 20 mm × 20 mm and the diameter of the circle one shall be also at least 20 mm and in colour as above.
增加额外的包装要求, 包装需要增加图型15中a, b, c图标中任意一种。每个方形图标尺寸最少20x20mm, 圆形图标直径最少20mm, 颜色也需要和下面的图示一致
Figure 15 a), b) or c)




